Open Access

Climate Change Oriented Design – Learning from Nature – Nature and Advanced Technology in architecture

Krystyna Januszkiewicz1*
1West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin, Poland, Poland
* Corresponding author:

Presented at the 4th International Symposium on Innovative Approaches in Architecture, Planning and Design (ISAS WINTER-2019 (APD)), Samsun, Turkey, Nov 22, 2019

SETSCI Conference Proceedings, 2019, 10, Page (s): 187-193 ,

Published Date: 22 December 2019

This paper explores the possibilities of architectural design to benefit human condition, which encompasses physical environment of a safe life during the climate change era and predicted disasters. The first part deals with the problem of natural hazards and disasters during the climate change era and as a results human beings reacting to them. The second part presents, results of the research program undertaken at West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin by the author. The program is focused on the adaptive built environments and envisioning new solutions based on advanced digital technology. The research is going to find out ways to create the design of Nature inspiration climate change-friendly architectural forms. Biomimetics or biomimicry approach is used as a design strategy in architectural design. Presented architectural designs contain a systemic solution to the problems of health and people security in high-urbanized areas during the climate change era. In conclusion it is emphasized that living organisms have evolved well-adapted structures and materials over geological time through natural selection. For this reason, “Learning from Nature” is one of the design methods that can provide new solutions to help mitigate the effects of climate change in a built environment and adapt to them.  

Keywords - Architectural design, climate change oriented design, nature inspiration, biomimetics, advanced technology

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