Climate Change in Urban Open Green Areas
Elif Bayramoğlu1, Seyhan Seyhan2*
1Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon, Turkey
2Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon, Turkey
* Corresponding author:
Presented at the 4th International Symposium on Innovative Approaches in Architecture, Planning and Design (ISAS WINTER-2019 (APD)), Samsun, Turkey, Nov 22, 2019
SETSCI Conference Proceedings, 2019, 10, Page (s): 25-27 ,
Published Date: 22 December 2019
Urban open green areas are common areas of cities, breathtaking areas where people perform all kinds of recreational activities. They are located in the city or in the vicinity of the city and create a space phenomenon in the city openings that contain live landscape materials. They soften the dense and solid structure of the city with plant elements and create breathing areas for the city. In this context, urban light green spaces meet the psychological, health and socialization needs of people. Open green areas, which are indispensable values for people within the urban phenomenon, have been adversely affected especially by climatic changes in recent years. The climatic differences affecting the whole world also affected the cities negatively. The variable structure of the climate causes uncontrolled rain water flow in cities due to heat island effect or excessive rainfall. In this context, examples of the changes that occur due to climate change in cities are given. In the design and planning stages of urban open green spaces, suggestions to be taken regarding this current problem were included. Large-scale green fasteners and textures should be included as urban light green space elements in planning and design decisions. In sustainable cities established for this purpose, measures should be taken to reduce the effects of the predicted scenarios for the next 10-20 years.
Keywords - Climate Change, Urban Open Green Areas, Planning and Design
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