Polling System Design Based on Image Processing with Socket Communication In Computer Laboratories
Sedat Turan1*
1Refahiye Meslek Yüksekokulu Mekatronik Programı, Erzincan Üniversitesi, Erzincan, Turkey
* Corresponding author: sturan@erzincan.edu.tr
Presented at the International Symposium on Multidisciplinary Studies and Innovative Technologies (ISMSIT2017), Tokat, Turkey, Dec 02, 2017
SETSCI Conference Proceedings, 2017, 1, Page (s): 24-28 , https://doi.org/
Published Date: 08 December 2017 | 1164 8
We live in a time when major advances in information and communication technology requires computer use and practical education as a requisite. In this study, it is aimed to design a new system with face detection, which is one of the image processing techniques of the routine polling process, in computer lab classes. With this system design, the learning activity will not be interrupted during the student polling process and time efficiency will be ensured. The system is designed based on a fixed seating plan of the students in the computer laboratories. As for the communication method between the host computer (lecturer) and the student computers; the database has not been used considering the possibility that the hardware characteristics of computers that are used may be low. Instead, the socket communication "server-client" relationship has been established through the TCP protocol. Two separate software have been designed for student and instructor computers. In the system design, the images on webcams are compared with the pre-created sample face set when the image processing based software in the student computers is active. As a result of facial detection, with the approval of the student, the image of the face expression is transmitted by the file transfer method to the host computer with socket programming. Software designed for the host computer can display the incoming student information and images as polling record. In software, designed with socket communication infrastructure, students will be able to use the inbox and they will be able to ask their questions, if there is any. The studentoriented software design will allow the lecturer to have the chance to get a report on the general emotional state of both the student and the class by analyzing students' psychology of the emotion, such as "happy", "sad", "natural" in the background during the course while they are carrying out their works. In this study, facial detection and emotion analysis studies in the literature have been examined and some of the methods used have been put together to design the system.
Keywords - Face recognition, emotion analysis, socket, image processing
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