An Example On How To Integrate Geographic Information Systems And City Planning: Urban Planning Process Of City Center, Bergama, Izmir
Mihriban Öztürk1, Mustafa Rahman Öncüer2*
1-, -, Turkey
2-, -, Turkey
* Corresponding author:
Presented at the International Symposium on Multidisciplinary Studies and Innovative Technologies (ISMSIT2017), Tokat, Turkey, Dec 02, 2017
SETSCI Conference Proceedings, 2017, 1, Page (s): 29-35 ,
Published Date: 08 December 2017 | 1121 4
Geographic Information Systems, the systems of hardware, software and methods are useful tools which make it easier to make decisions into the future by providing regional data management in solving the current planning and management problems. Thanks to today’s advancing technology, and growing importance of integration of GIS and city planning; many innovations and talents have emerged in planning. But inventory studies, which are the basis for planning, having been produced, processed, and the necessary analysis being done in conventional ways in the past have caused losses in time and workforce which brought about unsolvable problems that affect planning directly. That is why, if we are to take more healthy steps in planning, making use of technologic advances is a must. In this capacity, the purpose of this study is to introduce GIS with its essential elements and to emphasize the importance of GIS’s use in the production process of analysis and determining the location which are the main inputs of planning.
The integration of GIS and planning is a flexible system that involves regional data, geographic references and their characteristics; and enables us to do research for different purposes. City Center, Bergama, Izmir was chosen as the work field and we aim to explain in what way and what degree GIS was used in the process of planning of reconstruction on a scale of 1/5000. In the planning process, analyses are to be done in order to serve as a basis for a database and in the light of our findings, rural development areas are to be determined. With the program, Arcgis, a database will be produced, which will allow us to do SQL searches, and analyses for different purposes; and a basis will also be set for Sieve Analysis by determining
guard bands which are important in terms of planning principles and urbanism by doing Buffer Analysis. With the Sieve Analysis being done, all the essential data will be processed and overlaying phase will begin. In light of this analysis, the most liable-to-improve parts of the city will be determined with clear lines and these parts will be functioned as developing areas in the construction plan.
Consequently, thanks to the GIS software used in the process, the estimating of urban areas, calculation of approximate distances between locations in a very short time and by drawing the buffer zones, we will have saved on workforce and time. This is why, the use of GIS software is important in order to produce a plan fast and make the right planning choices. Its features to produce databases and store information which make it easier for many disciplines to work together will enable us to do searches in a different extent. Lastly, with its advantages such as being easy and free-to-use, its flexibility and web integration, GIS software’s innovative dynamic is important in making and developing of city information system.
Keywords - Geographic Information Systems, Urban Planning, Participation, Preservation, City Center
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