Open Access
Tabanında Kare Orifis Bulunan Bir Tankın Boşalma Süresinin Deneysel ve Sayısal Analizi
Kardelen Duman1, Ada Yılmaz2, Kaan Dal3, Hasan Güzel4, Selahattin Kocaman5*
1Iskenderun Technical University  , Iskenderun , Turkey
2Iskenderun Technical University  , Iskenderun , Turkey
3Iskenderun Technical University  , Iskenderun , Turkey
4Iskenderun Technical University  , Iskenderun , Turkey
5Iskenderun Technical University  , Iskenderun , Turkey
* Corresponding author:

Presented at the 2nd International Symposium on Innovative Approaches in Scientific Studies (ISAS2018-Winter), Samsun, Turkey, Nov 30, 2018

SETSCI Conference Proceedings, 2018, 3, Page (s): 1242-1245 ,

Published Date: 31 December 2018    | 1318     13


In this study, the problem of discharging of the water in a rectangular tank from the orifice with square crosssection was investigated experimentally and numerically. Time evolution of the water level, obtained experimentally by using
image processing technique and also numerically using open source CFD package OpenFOAM, was presented comparatively.
In addition, orifice coefficients were determined for an orifice having square geometry. Comparison between the numerical
results and the experimental data showed that the numerical model used in this study can be an effective tool for the
determination of the main characteristics of the problem with reasonable accuracy  

Keywords - Tank draining, orifice, Image Processing, OpenFOAM, Numerical Analysis


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