Open Access
Students’ Ideas about Anatomy 4D Program in Inquiry Based Learning Classroom
Aslı Yerlikaya1*, M. Handan Güneş2
1Ondokuz Mayıs University, Samsun, Turkey
2Ondokuz Mayıs University, Samsun, Turkey
* Corresponding author:

Presented at the 2nd International Symposium on Innovative Approaches in Scientific Studies (ISAS2018-Winter), Samsun, Turkey, Nov 30, 2018

SETSCI Conference Proceedings, 2018, 3, Page (s): 135-137 ,

Published Date: 31 December 2018    | 1458     13


Inquiry-based learning is important for students to understand scientific knowledge and the working systems of
scientists to develop their knowledge. For this, students should have some skills, and if they do not have, these skills need to be
gained. Some of these skills can be expressed as being responsible for their own learning, being able to make scientific inquiries,
and to establish healthy communication. The role of the student in the Turkish Science Education Curriculum is to investigate,
to be in charge of their own learning, to be a scientific literate by making scientific explanations and discussions. In fact, this
role is parallel with the student role in the inquiry based learning environment. The aim of this study, which was carried out with
a unit planned to be processed with an inquiry based learning approach that the students have structured their own learning, was
to determine the students' opinions about the Anatomy 4D program application. For this purpose, semi-structured interview was
conducted with 11 volunteer seventh graders, 6 of whom were girls and 5 of them were boys. The data obtained from the
interview were subjected to content analysis. As a result of these analyses, it was determined that the students opinions about
Anatomy 4D program applications were instructive, entertaining and permanent.  

Keywords - Anatomy 4D, science education, inquiry based learning, qualitative method, students’ ideas


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