Kent Müzelerinin Öneminin Örneklerle İncelenmesi Examining the Importance of City Museums with Examples
Makbulenur Bekar1*, Demet Ülkü Gülpınar Sekban2
1Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon, Turkey
2Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon, Turkey
* Corresponding author:
Presented at the 2nd International Symposium on Innovative Approaches in Scientific Studies (ISAS2018-Winter), Samsun, Turkey, Nov 30, 2018
SETSCI Conference Proceedings, 2018, 3, Page (s): 1495-1498
Published Date: 31 December 2018
Cities have changed in every sense from past to present. For example, demands and needs have increased and consequently changed. As a result; the cities have a complex structure that is not stable. In this process, declining green areas have directed people to different recreation demands. Recreation is defined as the meaning of leisure activities. Today, city museums have taken their place in the recreation options of people. The city museums functions, which reflect the distinctive features of cities, have many functions. Among its most important functions, it provides the permanent characteristics of the city to the next generations. Within the scope of this study, the concept of city museum opened in almost every city is examined. The importance of the city museum was analyzed with examples from the world and Turkey. As a result of the study, the contribution of the city museums to the city, their relationship with the city identity and the contents of the city museum were examined.
Keywords - recreation, city museums, city identity
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