Use of Geographic Information System (GIS) to Evaluate the Nitrogenous Compounds in Groundwater of Ergene River Basin (TURKEY)
Cem Tokatlı1*
1Trakya University, Edirne, Turkey
* Corresponding author:
Presented at the 2nd International Symposium on Innovative Approaches in Scientific Studies (ISAS2018-Winter), Samsun, Turkey, Nov 30, 2018
SETSCI Conference Proceedings, 2018, 3, Page (s): 440-442 ,
Published Date: 31 December 2018 | 1326 9
In this study water samples were collected from 30 villages located in the Ergene River Basin in summer season of
2018. Nitrate (NO3) and nitrite (NO2) concentrations of water samples were determined and the results were assessed
according to national and international quality criteria. Geographic Information System (GIS) was also used in order to make a
visual explanation by presenting distribution maps of investigated parameters. According to data observed, nitrate levels were
determined as 0.12 – 10.1 ppm, and nitrite levels were determined as 0.005 – 0.110 ppm in groundwater samples. Although the
investigated nitrogenous compounds in groundwater of villages located in the Ergene River Basin did not exceeded the limit
values for drinking, it was determined that the villages located in the Ergene River Basin has I. – II. Class groundwater quality
in terms of nitrate and II. – III. Class groundwater quality in terms of nitrite parameter in general.
Keywords - Ergene River Basin, Nitrogenous compounds, GIS, Drinking water, Water quality
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