Open Access

An Investigation On Color Perception Research Methods And Results In Interior Space

Kübra Aksoy1*, M. Lütfi  Hidayetoğlu2
1Maltepe University  , İstanbul, Turkey
2Selcuk University  , Konya, Turkey
* Corresponding author:

Presented at the 3rd International Symposium on Innovative Approaches in Scientific Studies (Fine Arts, Design and Architecture) (ISAS2019-FDAS), Ankara, Turkey, Apr 19, 2019

SETSCI Conference Proceedings, 2019, 7, Page (s): 124-136

Published Date: 19 August 2019

In this study, the literature review on the user perceptual assessment of the colour used in the interior space is analyzed and grouped. Most of the studies are about the perception of colours throughout the space. However, it is thought that the colour combination in the space and the use of colour in the space may create different perceptions on the user. The aim of this study is to group and analyze existing literature publications, to prove the lack of literature in the light of the findings and to provide a source for future studies. Within the scope of the research, 49 articles / thesis on colour perception have been published in various academic media. The studies are grouped according to their aims, methods and evaluated variables. Colour perception research is divided into two groups as psychological and spatial. Studies of spatial color perception is divided into sub-groups: According to the research location; virtual, real and virtual reality, according to research questions; spatial quality assessment, task completion, physiological response measurement and according to independent variables: gender, age, vocational education, culture, spatial experience-connotation. The studies reviewed are given with the results under the related title. Results of the research shows that the studies related to the colour combination and the density of colour use in the interior are insufficient.

Keywords - Space, spatial perception, colour, colour perception, colour density

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