Open Access

Residential Environmental Design Process in Landscape Architecture Education

Tuğba Düzenli1*, Elif Merve Alpak2
1Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon, Turkey
2Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon, Turkey
* Corresponding author:

Presented at the 3rd International Symposium on Innovative Approaches in Scientific Studies (Fine Arts, Design and Architecture) (ISAS2019-FDAS), Ankara, Turkey, Apr 19, 2019

SETSCI Conference Proceedings, 2019, 7, Page (s): 145-149

Published Date: 19 August 2019

In a general framework of landscape architecture; it is defined as the arrangement of the outdoor spaces of different scales depending on the user's preferences and needs. The landscape architects design the surroundings as an organic part of the building, depending on the different functions of the buildings. It is essential to establish relations in design and to relate the designed elements. This relationship should be structured as a whole. When the elements of the design come together, they must be in a relationship structure and perform a function. It is possible for the designer to connect the pieces together to make a connection between the parts and to understand the structure in the whole relationship. In addition, in order for something to be associated with something else, there must be a system concept in design. It is an important process to teach this to students and to present design products in this direction. In line with these assumptions, Environmental Design Project courses are given in KTU Landscape Architecture Department. The aim of the project courses is to use integrated design principles and elements to present holistic designs that respond to user needs. In Environmental Design Project II (EDP II), students are expected to design a residence environment in a holistic way by creating user-specific needs, activities related to these needs and spaces suitable for these activities. In this study, students' studies and design process will be evaluated.

Keywords - Landscape architecture, residence environment, environmental design project

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