Open Access
Urban Open Space Usages of Z Generation
Tuğba Düzenli1*, Elif Merve Alpak2
1Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon, Turkey
2Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon, Turkey
* Corresponding author:

Presented at the 3rd International Symposium on Innovative Approaches in Scientific Studies (Fine Arts, Design and Architecture) (ISAS2019-FDAS), Ankara, Turkey, Apr 19, 2019

SETSCI Conference Proceedings, 2019, 7, Page (s): 150-153 ,

Published Date: 19 August 2019    | 1584     23


As a user, the human expects that the space should be designed to meet its own needs and to satisfy its goals. For this reason, designers should determine the changing uses and preferences of many different groups. Generation is the name of the group formed by people born in a certain period. Nowadays, it is generally used to emphasize the social or cultural structure of a period. Differences between generations are noticeably felt in every century, every period, every age. Generation Z is defined as the generation born between 2000-2020 and believed to be the future. These generations play with the tablets instead of toys, are a fast-consuming generation, and have developed the ability to deal with more than one subject. Therefore, it is expected that they will have different needs and different usage of spaces. As a result of this study, the open space utilization of the z generation was investigated. The study was conducted in the city of Trabzon in Turkey. It was aimed to determine the usage types of generation z by taking urban open spaces into consideration. For this purpose, 70 people from the z generation were surveyed in urban open spaces and their intended use was determined. Analyzes and tests of the data gathered by the survey showed that the Z generation was open for entertainment, sports, traveling with friends, meeting and so on. used for activities. As a result, generation z uses open spaces for purposes related to their generation and carries out activities for them in these places.

Keywords - Generation Z, Openspace Use, User Need


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