Open Access

Adaptation of different chestnut varieties and grafting methods of DüzceKaplandağı chestnut rootstocks and its effect on grafting success

Semsettin  KULAÇ 1*, Yasin  ÖZKURU  2, Ali Kemal    ÖZBAYRAM3
1Duzce University  , Duzce , Turkey  
2Duzce University  , Duzce , Turkey  
3Duzce University  , Duzce , Turkey  
* Corresponding author:

Presented at the 3rd International Symposium on Innovative Approaches in Scientific Studies (Engineering and Natural Sciences) (ISAS2019-ENS), Ankara, Turkey, Apr 19, 2019

SETSCI Conference Proceedings, 2019, 4, Page (s): 559-563

Published Date: 01 June 2019

Anatolia is the motherland of chestnut as it is in many kinds of fruit, and one of the most ancient cultures. Anatolian chestnut, both fruit, as well as the valuable wood, is an important broadleaved species of Turkey. Anatolian chestnut spread in different geographical regions of Turkey shows, in Duzce province is one of the natural and optimum distribution area. There are a lot of research in the world literature on the detection, development and conservation of varieties, however, there are limited in our country. In this study, it was tried to determine the success of grafting by using 10 different chestnut types and 3 different grafting methods in Kaplandağı (Düzce) chestnut. The seedlings of the Kaplandağı chestnut population were used as the rootstock chestnut variety. The varieties which were grafted on the rootstock were types of Kabalak, İbradı, Paşaormanı, Erfelek, Manigoule, Hacıömer, Serdar, Akçakoca, Alaplı and Çongara. The grafting method such as cleft, tongue, and budding was used. Variance analysis was used to determine the effect of grafting type and method on retention success. The chestnut variety and the grafting method affected the success of grafting in constant temperature and humidity environment. While the lowest grafting success is in the budding, the cleft and tongue grafting methods are the same and have a grafting success rate of 71%. Among the chestnut varieties, the highest grafting success was determined in the Çongara variety (90%) and the lowest grafting success in the Kabalak variety (23%). In terms of interactions; all of the grafting was retained in the grafting method of cleft and tongue. The lowest grafting success was found in seedlings of Serdar with budding grafting method. The most successful grafting method for the rootstock Kaplandağı seedlings, which are important chestnut varieties, is cleft and tongue grafting, and the most successful grafting is Çongara varieties.  

Keywords - Graft, chestnut, Castanea sativa Mill

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