Cihat Şahin 1*, Emre Benzer 2, Hüseyin Ünal 3
1Kilim Furniture , -, Turkey
2Kilim Furniture , -, Turkey
3Kilim Furniture , -, Turkey
* Corresponding author:
Presented at the 3rd International Symposium on Innovative Approaches in Scientific Studies (Engineering and Natural Sciences) (ISAS2019-ENS), Ankara, Turkey, Apr 19, 2019
SETSCI Conference Proceedings, 2019, 4, Page (s): 102-103
Published Date: 01 June 2019
Today, the most important analysis is to get correct data about the number of customer in businesses like stores, shopping centers, banks and public enterprises. Especially, the most important outcome of the R & D and Designs made within the enterprises is the increase in the number of customers. There is no any data in many factories about the analysis of increase in number of customer and traceability of the increasing. The customer measurement systems used in the current technology considers the customer as well as the personnel. These results do not reflect the reality, but lead to false analysis. Marketing activities of companies like advertising, promotional, promotional gift coupon etc. can be measured in which stores, which periods they caused changes and what kind of changes occurred, and these actions will be taken accordingly by means of the project. With this data, businesses will have the opportunity to manage and review their marketing strategies. When these data are used to make strategic and operational decisions, the actions that will ensure the success of the companies will be effective. In our study; after the UHF type RFID personnel cards are identified, the exact number of customers in stores is determined by the software we developed with an ip camera, mini pc and RFID reader placed in the store entrance. SQL queries and software that will be developed with output of the project will engage reporting module and in Turkey our dealers located in different cities will have instant analysis with this technology. In this way, the peak time will be determined, lunch time and breaks will be revised according to this. Furthermore, the effect on sales of the customer who has month based entered to our store will be monitored with the reporting. The project was approved by the Ministry of Industry and Technology with KLM.ARGE.18.08 number
Keywords - RFID, UHF, reader, customer density, marketing
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