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What is entrepreneurship through the glasses of Z generation? Evidence from Kyrgyzstan

1Kyrgyz Turkish Manas University  , -, Kyrgyzstan  
2Kyrgyz Turkish Manas University  , -, Kyrgyzstan  
* Corresponding author:

Presented at the 3rd International Symposium on Innovative Approaches in Scientific Studies (Engineering and Natural Sciences) (ISAS2019-ENS), Ankara, Turkey, Apr 19, 2019

SETSCI Conference Proceedings, 2019, 4, Page (s): 16-16

Published Date: 01 June 2019

When Kyrgyzstan emerged as an independent state in 1991, the former Soviet republic faced new political, social and economic challenges. Naturally, the government introduced key reforms to establish a market economy in the early 1990s. These reforms included liberalization of prices, convertibility, and privatization of small and medium-sized enterprises. Of course, transition from planned economy into market economy has changed the nature of entrepreneurship in essence. If in the Soviet period entrepreneurs were not highly regarded in the society, by time the situation has changed in post-soviet Kyrgyz market economy. New realities of post-soviet economies and labor relationships proved the insufficiency of old practices. The system of economic and social values has changed. Values like an employment safety and guarantees given by state for the future has been replaced. People had to take care on their future themselves. As known, Kyrgyzstan is post-Soviet Central Asian country with a younger population. More than half of the population is younger than 25. The young generation of the 20-25 age groups in the country was born in the last years of the Soviet Union and in the first years of independence period. This transition period generation has faced new challenges and transformations. It is very interesting and important to know what entrepreneurship means for Z generation. This study aims to identify how Z generation in Kyrgyzstan see and evaluate entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs. For this purpose business students (N=154) who are believed to be future entrepreneurs were asked what entrepreneurship mean for them. Results and implications of paper can highlight the expanded importance of academicians, researchers, business school and policy-makers.

Keywords - Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurship, Metaphors, Kyrgyzstan, Business Student

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