Open Access

A Data Analysis and Behavior Model for Study of Consumer Service in the Financial Sector

Sultan  Tatlılıoğlu  1*, Dionysis  Goularas  2
1Yeditepe University, Istanbul, Turkey  
2Yeditepe University, Istanbul, Turkey  
* Corresponding author:

Presented at the 3rd International Symposium on Innovative Approaches in Scientific Studies (Engineering and Natural Sciences) (ISAS2019-ENS), Ankara, Turkey, Apr 19, 2019

SETSCI Conference Proceedings, 2019, 4, Page (s): 180-183

Published Date: 01 June 2019

In recent years, the financial sector has been considerably developed, especially in electronic banking. As individual users in the financial sector use e-banking and e-finance systems, the concept of loyalty in the banking sector has shifted from traditional branch banking where staff and customers have personal relations to self-service online banking. As expected, online banking competition is based on pricing and service quality. In this work special pricing, discounts, campaigns data and potential customers’ searches are analyzed from available data. Modeling and segmentation were carried out with data mining and machine learning methods.

Keywords - Data Mining, e-banking, e-finance, Machine Learning, Modeling, Segmentation

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