Open Access

The Effects of BİLZÖS Intelligent Tutoring System on The Student’s Success

Yılmaz  Öztürk  1, Yavuz  Ünal  2*, Recep  Çakır  3
1Dinçerler Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School  , Tokat, Turkey
2Amasya University  , Amasya  , Turkey
3Amasya University  , Amasya  , Turkey
* Corresponding author:

Presented at the 3rd International Symposium on Innovative Approaches in Scientific Studies (Engineering and Natural Sciences) (ISAS2019-ENS), Ankara, Turkey, Apr 19, 2019

SETSCI Conference Proceedings, 2019, 4, Page (s): 416-420

Published Date: 01 June 2019

Artificial intelligence is used at the many fields of our lives in a successful way. The education is the one of these fields. Intelligent Tutoring System is the one of the Artificial intelligence using methods at the education fields. Intelligent Tutoring Systems are thought as future education systems. Various studies are made at this field. Intelligent Tutoring Systems are used at many fields successfully. The increasing of using technology at education and teaching activities at the schools increases the interests into the Web Based Intelligent Tutoring Systems. The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of the Web Based Intelligent Tutoring System, that is developed by ourselves, to the success of the students. With this aim, we have defined as a working group the students who study at The Computer And Teaching Technologies Department at The university of Amasya during 2018-2019 education therm. Shell Operations unit, including in the operating system lesson that is studied Michaelmas term at the same department, has been uploaded to the Intelligent Tutoring System. This study is an experimental study. It has been studied on the effect of independent variable to the dependent variable. The students, including the Web Based Intelligent Tutoring System, have answered pre-test and final test questions. We have compared the success situations by considering the test points. At the end of this comparing study, it has been seen that Web Based Intelligent Tutoring System which is developed by ourselves has increased the academic success. Furthermore , we have applied to the students The Teacher Candidates’ Scale Of Technology Accept And Using and we have investigated their attitudes to this subject.

Keywords - Intelligent Teaching System, Student Achievement, Artificial Intelligence, Web Based Education

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