Open Access


Shermuhamedova Niginаhon  Arslonovna  1*
1-, Tashkent  , Uzbekistan
* Corresponding author:

Presented at the 3rd International Symposium on Innovative Approaches in Scientific Studies (Social, Human and Administrative Sciences) (ISAS2019-SHAS), Ankara, Turkey, Apr 19, 2019

SETSCI Conference Proceedings, 2019, 5, Page (s): 122-126

Published Date: 02 June 2019

Modern education has a systemic – evolutionary character and is one of the factors of a sustainable civilization process. Global transformations of education are aimed at creating not only the information society, but also “a planetary civilization with sustainable development that implements the goal of human survival and the preservation of the biosphere”. [Ilyin V.I., Ursul A.D., 2016. p.399.]. These opportunities can be realized on the way to the formation of a transnational educational space, where not only knowledge, but also information technology is important. Throughout the history of mankind, knowledge has had a transformative power as the main source of transformation of social relations. Today, in the global process, there is a need for a new model of education, accompanied by modernization. A characteristic feature of the modernization of education is manifested in the futurization of education, which becomes an advanced education, where the path to the future is laid. Thus, a new type of educational process is being formed called the global educational space. Advanced education is not only the preparation of a specialist for practical activities, but also an orientation to selfimprovement through independent work, moral self-education of an individual at all stages of his life; this is getting a second or third education throughout his life. According to this principle, the past, present, and future correlate in education. The focus is not only on the past and present, but also in the future.

Keywords - education, innovations, value orientation, civilization process, information society, global transformations

1. Il'in V.I., Ursul A.D.(2016). Obrazovaniye, obshchestvo, priroda. Evolyutsionnyy podkhod i global'nyye perspektivy. –
Moskva, izd-vo MGU. ss.399, 340, 353.
2. Shermukhamedova N.A. Osobennosti etnoobrazovaniya kak sposob sokhraneniya natsional'noy identichnosti//Aktual'nyye
problemy informatsionnogo obshchestva v naukovedenii, kul'ture, obrazovanii, ekonomike. - Moskva, 2018. ss.332-333.

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