The Use of Photoshop in Advertisements
Yelda Şenkal1*, Ayşe Sucu2, Duygu Aydın3
1Nisantasi University , İstanbul, Turkey
2Istanbul Aydin University , İstanbul, Turkey
3Istanbul Aydin University , İstanbul, Turkey
* Corresponding author:
Presented at the Ist International Symposium on Innovative Approaches in Scientific Studies (ISAS 2018), Kemer-Antalya, Turkey, Apr 11, 2018
SETSCI Conference Proceedings, 2018, 2, Page (s): 343-353 ,
Published Date: 23 June 2018 | 1068 8
Today, human beings encounter countless visual narratives every day and sometimes they can construct reality through these narratives. Creation of perfect visual images for perfect visual appeal also brings along with the sense of “ideal beauty". Transmisions of idealized beauty shows itself clearly in the advertisement messages we are exposed to at any time. In the images presented by advertising along with the function of creating meaning, instead of reality, there are images of men and women with certain physical characteristics comes in front of us. In terms of setting these beauty standarts Photoshop is the most preferred design program in the advertising sector. Possiblities of all changes can be made on the photos with this program causes that creation of perfect bodies to be perceived as real by individuals.
Making sense of themselves through the physical appearance and self-confidence relationship of young people, the study aims to show their influence on the beauty emphasis and presentation in advertising. In order to reveal young peoples’ impact on the beauty emphasis and presentation in advertising interviews were conducted with 13 university students who were studying at Istanbul Aydın University and Nişantaşı University between the ages of 20 and 30 in the study. Semi-structured questions aimed at exposing the impact Photoshop in advertising. Interviews with participants in the study shows that despite of being aware of the fact that the beauty presented, especially the ads, is not real, however they still need to shape their physical appearance while expressing themselves in line with the “ideal beauty” concept. Accordingly, it shows that replaces of the physical appearance
into an idealized conception of the physical appearance also can create a lack of self-confidence and unhappiness in psychological sense.
Keywords - Advertisement, Using sense of beauty, Photoshop
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