Open Access
Trend Analysis of Some Meteorological Data in Antalya
Ülker Güner Bacanlı1*, Sibel Çukurluoğlu2
1Pamukkale University , Denizli, Turkey
2Pamukkale University, Denizli, Turkey
* Corresponding author:

Presented at the Ist International Symposium on Innovative Approaches in Scientific Studies (ISAS 2018), Kemer-Antalya, Turkey, Apr 11, 2018

SETSCI Conference Proceedings, 2018, 2, Page (s): 371-375 ,

Published Date: 23 June 2018    | 1400     13


The effects of climate change in the world are observed to have significant effects on different environmental variables.
Therefore, changes in climate parameters should be examined and analyzed. These changes can be determined by parametric
and non-parametric tests. In this study, monthly average precipitation, temperature, humidity and evaporation data between 1965-
2017 for the meteorological station of Antalya city were used. Linear Regression, Mann-Kendall, Sen and Sen’s T test methods
were used for trend analysis. It is aimed to determine annual and monthly trends in the data.
According to the results of the Mann-Kendall and Sen test, there was a tendency to decrease in annual humidity, increase in
temperature data and decrease in precipitation data. But, trend has not been observed in annual evaporation data. In the
monthly evaporation evaluoations showed a decreasing tendency only in January.
Monthly humidity showed a tendency to decrease in February, March, April, October, November and December. In the
monthly temperature evaluations, an increase tendency was determined in all months except January. In monthly precipitation
evaluations, a decreasing tendency was determined in February and December. According to the results of the Sen’s T test,
there was a tendency to decrease in monthly humidity and evaporation, increase in temperature data.  

Keywords - Trend analysis; Mann-Kendall test; Sen test; Linear regression, Antalya


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