Open Access
Religion-State Relations in the 1980s: Presidency of Religious Affairs in the Shadow of Political Actors
Mehmet Talha Paşaoğlu1*
1Samsun University, Samsun, Turkey
* Corresponding author:

Presented at the 4th International Symposium on Innovative Approaches in Social, Human and Administrative Sciences (ISAS WINTER-2019 (SHS)), Samsun, Turkey, Nov 22, 2019

SETSCI Conference Proceedings, 2019, 11, Page (s): 87-92 ,

Published Date: 23 December 2019    | 2251     5


Kenan Evren, on behalf of peace in society and of national unity and solidarity, put forward some religious values which had led a serious discussions about the understanding and pratice of secularism in Turkey, after 1980. The Presidency of Religious Affairs is at the center of the relationship between religion and politics as an actor who has largely completed its institutionalization during these years. In this study, the views of the important political actors such as Kenan Evren, Bülent Ecevit, Kazım Oksay and the relationship between religion and politics and on Sunni Islam in general were analyzed. In addition, the political functions of the Presidency of Religious Affairs in the 1980s were discussed by examining the outstanding debates in the parliamentary records. As a result, it was seen that the Presidency of Religious Affairs, which entered the process of completing its institutionalization with the mission, purpose and framework specified in the 1982 Constitution after the 1980 coup, came to the forefront as a social actor thanks to the political stability environment provided by the ANAP governments.

Keywords - Islam, national unity, religion-politics relations


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