The impact of Workplace Bullying on the efficiency of Human Resource Management: Cross-cultural studies
Aleksandra Jovanovic1*
1Australian College of Kuwait, Kuwait, Kuwait
* Corresponding author:
Presented at the 4th International Symposium on Innovative Approaches in Social, Human and Administrative Sciences (ISAS WINTER-2019 (SHS)), Samsun, Turkey, Nov 22, 2019
SETSCI Conference Proceedings, 2019, 11, Page (s): 219-226 ,
Published Date: 23 December 2019 | 2329 17
Workplace bullying is not a problem of the individual, but of the society as a whole, which causes huge losses, in terms of reduced productivity of workers, increased expenditures in health care (due to frequent sick leave) and pension insurance (due to early retirement). The subject of this paper will be workplace bullying as an occurrence, in an attempt to explain the practical examples as well as the consequences that this phenomenon carries within. Moreover, it documents various surveys conducted in Australia, United States of America and Europe, providing evidence of the workplace bullying, its causes and negative effects on the workplace environment. Our findings show that workplace bullying is destroying communication channels and reducing productivity and it can further result in the failure of a business itself. Due to the aforementioned data, which is quite worrying, this paper demonstrates the important role of the efficient human resource management as well as the role of the government and the legislation in combating and preventing this occurrence. The results found in this study have the potential to raise awareness on this topic, which is still quite neglected in some countries.
Keywords - HRM, bullying, law, psychology, leadership
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