Open Access

Integration of Edge AI and Metaheuristic Algorithms for Advanced Optimization and Analytical Solutions in Future Smart Systems

Ali Berkol1*, İdil Gökçe Demirtaş2
1Defense and Information Systems, BITES, Ankara, Türkiye
2Defense and Information Systems, BITES, Ankara, Türkiye
* Corresponding author:

Presented at the Cognitive Models and Artificial Intelligence Conference (BMYZ2023), Ankara, Türkiye, Oct 26, 2023

SETSCI Conference Proceedings, 2023, 15, Page (s): 1-7 ,

Published Date: 29 December 2023

This article presents a comprehensive examination of the integration of Edge AI and metaheuristic algorithms, highlighting its vast potential and applications across diverse domains. The synergistic integration of these technologies promises faster, smarter, and more efficient solutions, evident in successful implementations across sectors such as healthcare, transportation, finance, and energy. Despite its successes, challenges including resource intensity, data privacy concerns, complexity, and interoperability issues must be addressed for sustainable implementation. In response to these challenges, the article provides recommendations to guide future research endeavors. Emphasizing improved energy management, enhanced security solutions, and fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, these suggestions aim to broaden the application domain of Edge AI and metaheuristic algorithms. In conclusion, the article underscores the imperative to view the integration of Edge AI and metaheuristic algorithms as integral to future technological advancements. Positioned as a pivotal tool, this integration offers smarter, more sustainable, and effective solutions across industries, contributing significantly to a more livable and efficient future world.

Keywords - Edge AI, Metaheuristic algorithms, Optimization, Smart Systems, Artificial Intelligence

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