Open Access

Comparative Analysis of the Digital Print Fastness of Knitted Fabrics With Different Textures Produced from Recycled Filament Yarns

Muhammed Feyruz Caner1*, Kenan Yıldırım2
1Bursa Technical University, Bursa, Türkiye
2Bursa Technical University, Bursa, Türkiye
* Corresponding author:

Presented at the 6th International Symposium on Innovations in Scientific Areas (SISA2024), Ankara, Türkiye, Jun 07, 2024

SETSCI Conference Proceedings, 2024, 18, Page (s): 129-131 ,

Published Date: 24 June 2024

The depletion of natural resources and increasing environmental pollution necessitate recycling to reduce resource consumption and pollution. This study, conducted at Kadifeteks Mensucat A.Ş., compares the fastness performance of fabrics made from recycled polyester yarns to those made from cationic polyester yarns using digital printing at three resolutions (600 DPI, 1200 DPI, 2400 DPI) and two production methods (direct fabric printing and paper transfer printing). Fastness tests included dry and wet rubbing, light, weather, washing, Martindale abrasion, and perspiration fastness. Findings showed that recycled fabrics performed better in dry and wet rubbing and perspiration tests, while cationic fabrics excelled in light fastness on the Reggiani machine, and recycled fabrics on the Saitu machine. Abrasion tests generally favored cationic fabrics, except for certain warp-knitted recycled fabrics, and washing fastness showed no difference between the two yarn types. Overall, the study demonstrates the superior performance of recycled yarn fabrics, supporting recycling's environmental and resource conservation benefit.

Keywords - Digital Printing, Fastness, Warp Knitting, Weft Knitting, Sublimation Ink

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