Open Access

İstanbul’da Alçak Katlı Apartmanlaşma Sürecindeki Değişimin Mekan Dizimsel ve Anlamsal Olarak İrdenlemesi : 1930-2020 Dönemi

Başak Cengiz1*, Mehmet Emin Şalgamcıoğlu2
1Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Türkiye
2Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Türkiye
* Corresponding author:

Presented at the 6th International Symposium on Innovations in Scientific Areas (SISA2024), Ankara, Türkiye, Jun 07, 2024

SETSCI Conference Proceedings, 2024, 18, Page (s): 60-68 ,

Published Date: 24 June 2024

Housing is not merely a physical structure but a vivid representation of cultural codes, social reproduction, and political landscapes. In the evolving context of Istanbul, the concept of housing continually transforms and is redefined, influenced by shifting cultural dynamics, social structures, individualism, technological advancements, and authoritative governance. This research aims to critically analyze the evolution of apartment layouts in Istanbul from 1980 to 2020. It explores these changes through the lens of spatial syntax, delving into the nuances of spatial perception and recognition. Over the past four decades, Istanbul has witnessed profound urban and cultural metamorphoses. This period of change, marked by escalating population density, economic growth, infrastructural advancements, and urban redevelopment, makes a chronological examination of housing developments in the city particularly compelling. The study focuses on the domestic spaces within low-rise and mid-rise apartment buildings, scrutinizing the evolving patterns of daily activities. It investigates the transformation of domestic spaces as a manifestation of the interplay between co-existence, privacy, and social structure, framed within the contexts of cultural identity, political influences, and authority. To conduct this analysis, 20 apartment housing projects in Istanbul were selected, based on the published works of architects. This selection aims to provide a focused analysis of domestic space plans at a specific level of architectural distinction. The neighborhoods where these projects are located predominantly fall within the mid to mid-upper socioeconomic stratum. The research employs a visual-graph analysis of spatial syntax to dissect and understand spatial recognition in the design of these apartment housing plans. This methodology allows for a nuanced exploration of the relationship between domestic spaces, both syntactically and semantically. Simultaneously, it examines how the evolving significance of homes, under the impact of political and economic factors, manifests in the symbolic expression of dwelling. In conclusion, the study observes that the domestic spaces of the 1980-2020 period, specifically the sub-zones of living, cooking, and sleeping, demonstrate a tendency to shift in their positioning and hierarchy within diverse architectural configurations.

Keywords - housing, space syntax, spatial configuration, domestic spaces, social structure, syntax 2D

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